Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Daepiso
Pop. 462


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
71Moka-BbangWill o' the WispTickle-Mimic55CON 477Act XI+43 Studded Banded PaviseCone of Paste LXIVI hate raisins.IMDAE
72Cheese-cakeBattle-FinchBattle-Felon55WIS 557Act XI+39 Holy Baroque ShieldGyp CII love myslef...:QIMDAE
73OdbrezLow ElfVoodoo Princess55STR 479Act XI+23 Festooned Custom Diamond Mail SolleretsCone of Annoyance LXXXQue sera sera!IMDAE
74keistyHalf ManBirdrider55CHA 779Act XI+41 Venomed Bastard SwordMagnetic Orb LXXXIIMDAE
75HiremeinWill o' the WispRobot Monk55WIS 588Act XI+21 Banded Studded Plasma GambesonBraingate LXVIMDAE
76Takamachi NanohaLow ElfMage Illusioner54STR 447Act XI+38 Cambric Custom AegisLockjaw LXIII love sky^^.IMDAE
77porgoreLow ElfBastard Lunatic54WIS 479Act XI+37 Cambric Holy AegisHydrophobia LXVbumblebee is mine.IMDAE
78ShodzapLow ElfMage Illusioner54WIS 534Act XI+34 Gilded Custom Splint Mail HauberkBig Sister LXVAdol Christine is mineIMDAE
79Fate.T.HarlaownLow ElfMage Illusioner54CHA 578Act XI+25 Custom Cambric Diamond Mail SolleretsClever Fellow LIIINanoha...u////uIMDAE
80RotianLow ElfMage Illusioner54INT 416Act X+20 Studded Festooned Plasma BrassairtsLockjaw LVhahahaIMDAE

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