Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
1 | DirtyUncleClifton | Dung Elf | Tongueblade | 78 | STR 27697 | Act LIII | +61 Fine Studded Aegis | Nonplus MCXIV | I <3 Taeyang | Dickbutt |
2 | Xevtriep | Land Squid | Puma Burgular | 70 | CON 5820 | Act XXX | +40 Gilded Festooned Diamond Mail Gambeson | Lockjaw DXLII | Laceeee | Dickbutt |
3 | Broobroub | Enchanted Motorcycle | Hunter Strangler | 67 | WIS 5360 | Act XXV | +46 Cambric Holy Platemail Brassairts | Magnetic Orb CDV | I'm way better than Xevtriep | Dickbutt |
4 | Yin | Land Squid | Puma Burgular | 67 | INT 5813 | Act XXV | +51 Banded Gilded Scale Mail Brassairts | Nestor's Bright Idea CCXCIV | Dickbutt | |
5 | mmmrwwaghgh | Double Wookiee | Robot Monk | 64 | STR 2206 | Act XX | +28 Impressive Studded Plasma Greaves | Revolting Cloud CCXXIX | May the Fourth be with you | Dickbutt |
6 | cowpuncher | Land Squid | Robot Monk | 64 | CHA 2699 | Act XX | +31 Gilded Cambric Plasma Gambeson | Gyp CCCXII | moo moo | Dickbutt |
7 | Shoudoon | Eel Man | Tickle-Mimic | 61 | CON 1845 | Act XVI | +28 Festooned Fine Diamond Mail Brassairts | Lockjaw CLI | Dickbutt | |
8 | MisterFister | Demicanadian | Tickle-Mimic | 39 | INT 131 | Act IV | +4 Fine Plasma Helm | Mulligan XI | Dickbutt | |
9 | SecksMasheen | Enchanted Motorcycle | Runeloremaster | 21 | CHA 50 | Act II | Mithril Mail Greaves | Innoculate VI | Dickbutt |
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