Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
1 | SleepyOldMan | Double Wookiee | Runeloremaster | 73 | STR 9226 | Act XXXVII | +51 Custom Holy Splint Mail Gambeson | Shoelaces DCCCLXXXVIII | Too Tired to Kill | ODrg |
2 | Trazkrup | Land Squid | Fighter/Organist | 73 | STR 9176 | Act XXXVII | +45 Gilded Studded Diamond Mail Sollerets | Shoelaces CMXVI | Ouch... That hurt! | ODrg |
3 | OldManJedi | Double Hobbit | Fighter/Organist | 73 | STR 7633 | Act XXXVII | +41 Holy Festooned Diamond Mail Cuisses | Shoelaces DCCCLXXXVIII | ODrg | |
4 | Tempoxian | Double Wookiee | Fighter/Organist | 73 | STR 6814 | Act XXXVII | +39 Cambric Festooned Plasma Cuisses | Shoelaces CMXCVI | Woohooo I have hair! | ODrg |
5 | New Beginning | Crested Dwarf | Robot Monk | 73 | STR 6605 | Act XXXVII | +47 Cambric Diamond Mail Sollerets | Shoelaces CMLXVII | ODrg | |
6 | Warscott | Land Squid | Hunter Strangler | 52 | DEX 325 | Act IX | +25 Studded Cambric Diamond Mail Vambraces | Gyp LXII | Help me, I have fallen! | ODrg |
7 | Brighthelm | Talking Pony | Hunter Strangler | 41 | CON 167 | Act V | +17 Festooned Banded Magnetic Field | Magnetic Orb XVII | ODrg | |
8 | Alequim | Double Wookiee | Battle-Felon | 40 | STR 195 | Act IV | +19 Fine Studded Platemail Sollerets | Lockjaw XV | ODrg | |
9 | FloridaJedi | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 35 | DEX 79 | Act IV | +13 Stabbity Invisible Poleax | Mulligan XIV | ODrg | |
10 | NewLife | Half Man | Ur-Paladin | 7 | STR 20 | Act I | Chamois Hauberk | Slime Finger III | ODrg |
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