Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Sex, Drugs, and Violence Lovers Incorporated.
Pop. 183

Sex, Drugs, and Violence Lovers Incorporated.

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
41ArdanaHalf HalflingBirdrider59INT 1164Act XIV+24 Cambric Custom Plasma CuissesMagnetic Orb CXXIIIStupidity will prevail!Sex & Drugs
42Ronfruck The UnpleasantDemicanadianBattle-Felon59DEX 1154Act XIV+22 Banded Holy Plasma HauberkSadness CLVISex & Drugs
43FlurdHalf ManBastard Lunatic59STR 1345Act XIV+47 Stabbity Serrated CrankbowSpectral Miasma CXVSex & Drugs
44MichaelesWill o' the WispInner Mason59WIS 1006Act XIV+38 Banded Holy Chainmail HauberkClever Fellow CXXVSex & Drugs
45WhokyagPanda ManBastard Lunatic59INT 1695Act XIV+36 Gilded Studded Titanium SolleretsSpectral Miasma CVRAWR!Sex & Drugs
46LegrevEnchanted MotorcycleTongueblade59INT 1292Act XIV+19 Impressive Holy Plasma VambracesCone of Paste CIIDrive, thrive and get hives!Sex & Drugs
47CzerwonyHalf OrcHunter Strangler58DEX 1082Act XIV+42 Festooned Banded Baroque ShieldAqueous Humor CXVIt's over 9000!!!Sex & Drugs
48ZedtrudGreater GnomeLowling58DEX 1186Act XIII+39 Studded Impressive Scale Mail HauberkClever Fellow XCVIIMust....stay...awake !!Sex & Drugs
49MimjodLand SquidRobot Monk57CON 621Act XIII+27 Cambric Holy Diamond Mail VambracesMulligan XCIAll your base are belong to us!Sex & Drugs
50StuhTalking PonySlow Poisoner57WIS 970Act XII+39 Impressive Banded Ringmail HelmInnoculate CXLIVI really can't be bothered with a motto, sorrySex & Drugs

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