Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Illuminati's
Pop. 183


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
11BrupkregHalf OrcShiv-Knight77CON 20176Act L+55 Cambric Festooned Kevlar VambracesSpectral Miasma MDCXXXIIIJesus saves, but Brupkreg withdrawls!²³
12NoudrabGyrognomeVoodoo Princess77WIS 22588Act XLVIII+55 Banded Mithril Mail GauntletsMagnetic Orb MDLXV²³
13SinkinLow ElfMage Illusioner75DEX 16581Act XLI+62 Banded Custom Kite ShieldMulligan DCCCLIXFight and seek...²³
14NodcrapHalf HalflingShiv-Knight74INT 12182Act XLI+40 Custom Cambric Plasma HelmLockjaw CMLXtanstaafl²³
15MadfrupPanda ManBattle-Felon74STR 13184Act XL+60 Festooned Gilded Tower ShieldSadness MCCLXXIV²³
16Karl-NappGreater GnomeMu-Fu Monk74CON 10276Act XL+58 Impressive Banded Bearskin GauntletsHydrophobia DCCCXXXVIA Doctor a day keeps the apple away!²³
17XobgrookTalking PonyBastard Lunatic74CON 15232Act XL+46 Impressive Custom Mithril Mail GauntletsInvisible Hands MXIIIBetter a pole, than red²³
18FroodshenCrested DwarfHunter Strangler72STR 8653Act XXXIV+34 Fine Holy Plasma GambesonInnoculate DCCLXXXVIIIFuck all²³
19LevzutCrested DwarfHunter Strangler70WIS 7584Act XXXI+40 Gilded Festooned Diamond Mail HelmGood Move DCCLIIIStranglers in the night ... ²³
20SivakoPanda ManTickle-Mimic70STR 9286Act XXX+51 Studded Festooned Splint Mail GreavesBig Sister CDLIVWAT²³

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