Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Holy R'lyehan Fish-Mongers of Cthulhu Rising
Pop. 193

Holy R'lyehan Fish-Mongers of Cthulhu Rising

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
91Pudding The Stroyer!Land SquidInner Mason49STR 234Act VII+20 Studded Gilded Diamond Mail CuissesInvisible Hands XLVIINobody gets to leave before all the pudding is eatCthulhu!
92Battle BillyBattle-FinchBattle-Felon49CHA 347Act VII+12 Cambric Impressive Plasma CuissesClever Fellow XXXVIIICthulhu!
93CribfriezEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk49WIS 340Act VII+29 Gilded Studded Platemail HauberkHoly Batpole XXVIIWAAAGH!!!Cthulhu!
94ProkbrockPanda ManTongueblade49STR 297Act VII+27 Cambric Banded Kevlar GreavesMulligan XXXII want more carrots and breadcrumbs!Cthulhu!
95ZackgroopDung ElfBastard Lunatic48CHA 400Act VII+18 Banded Gilded Diamond Mail GambesonNestor's Bright Idea XXIXCthulhu!
96XamcruvHalf OrcUr-Paladin47STR 293Act VII+32 Steely Venomed Bastard SwordNestor's Bright Idea XXIVI'm too old for thisCthulhu!
97FiretrucksDemicanadianBastard Lunatic47STR 282Act VII+29 Serrated Vorpal LanceAqueous Humor XXXIIIIf you can't see the fnords, they can't eat you.Cthulhu!
98NinHalf ManMu-Fu Monk47INT 368Act VII+9 Holy Festooned Plasma GauntletsBig Sister XXIVLife is an STDCthulhu!
99KropinLand SquidBastard Lunatic47CHA 220Act VII+32 Vicious Dancing BlunderbussInvisible Hands XXIXCthulhu!
100NiedshoonLand SquidRuneloremaster46INT 205Act VII+23 Custom Mithril Mail GauntletsClever Fellow XXIICthulhu!

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