Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for The Power of PTT
Pop. 959

The Power of PTT

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
41MarkelovGyrognomeSlow Poisoner69WIS 5050Act XXVIII+35 Holy Impressive Diamond Mail CuissesInnoculate DLXXVGyrognomes are also humans!PTT
42asiassshPanda ManUr-Paladin69CON 5146Act XXVII+55 Cambric Gilded Baroque ShieldMagnetic Orb DXXXIVPTT
43Loxley BiblokeptDemicanadianBastard Lunatic69CON 3272Act XXVII+37 Fine Banded Diamond Mail HauberkSpectral Miasma CDLXIIIMy mon is yelling next to the doorPTT
44neomortEnchanted MotorcycleTickle-Mimic68CHA 4431Act XXVI+44 Gilded Impressive ABS BrassairtsLockjaw CDXVPTT
45XEAWYEnchanted MotorcycleMage Illusioner68STR 5000Act XXV+42 Studded Holy Mithril Mail HauberkAqueous Humor CDLIPTT
46s1129sssPanda ManUr-Paladin67CON 3130Act XXV+42 Banded Impressive Kevlar VambracesBraingate CCLVIIPTT
47Ptt-cklightGreater GnomeMage Illusioner67DEX 5878Act XXV+43 Impressive Cambric Kevlar VambracesNestor's Bright Idea CCCVITaiwan & PttPTT
48FrivnubDung ElfShiv-Knight67CHA 4607Act XXIV+28 Custom Impressive Plasma BrassairtsCone of Annoyance CCCXCIXCockroaches tremble before my mightPTT
49hyacinth713DemicanadianTongueblade67WIS 2278Act XXIV+39 Festooned Holy Mithril Mail HelmMagnetic Orb CDXVIPTT
50che204Panda ManRuneloremaster66CHA 4765Act XXIV+47 Holy Custom Scale Mail BrassairtsCone of Paste CCLXVIInomeetingPTT

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