Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for The Power of PTT
Pop. 959

The Power of PTT

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
81IdprotGyrognomeBastard Lunatic64STR 1719Act XX+34 Banded Festooned Diamond Mail GambesonGood Move CCCVIPTT
82makzanEel ManHunter Strangler64WIS 2423Act XX+47 Pronged Stabbity HalberdHydrophobia CCXXXVshow me the moneyPTT
83HazE_twDouble WookieeHunter Strangler64DEX 3306Act XX+37 Impressive Custom Titanium VambracesAqueous Humor CCXLPTT
84LoobozLow ElfBattle-Felon64DEX 2257Act XIX+47 Banded Chainmail GauntletsAqueous Humor CCXXXIIIPTT
85RoobumCrested DwarfTickle-Mimic64INT 2394Act XIX+41 Cambric Custom Kevlar SolleretsBig Sister CCXVPTT
86RubmetDouble WookieeInner Mason64DEX 2013Act XIX+37 Gilded Holy Mithril Mail HauberkBig Sister CXCIIIPTT
87ZinfraetCrested DwarfLowling64DEX 3598Act XIX+26 Holy Custom Plasma SolleretsHastiness CCCXXVIIPTT
88toydogPanda ManUr-Paladin64STR 2831Act XIX+29 Fine Impressive Diamond Mail CuissesGyp CCXCVIQooQPTT
89FrobvegBattle-FinchShiv-Knight64DEX 1593Act XIX+36 Studded Cambric Diamond Mail GauntletsSadness CCCXIXPTT
90AzaewzDouble HobbitRuneloremaster63STR 2987Act XIX+36 Holy Festooned Mithril Mail CuissesSeasick CCLXVIIILord Azaewz Doublehobbit RuneLoremaster of DeathPTT

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