Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192551

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1198Awesome_ManLand SquidVoodoo Princess82CHA 31090Act LXIX+58 Studded Festooned Mithril Mail HelmRevolting Cloud MMMCCLV
1199SilentiumWill o' the WispUr-Paladin82CHA 42830Act LXIX+58 Studded Fine Titanium VambracesClever Fellow MMDCCXCVII
1200Shadow_BreakerWill o' the WispMage Illusioner82CHA 20833Act LXIX+58 Studded Fine Titanium GambesonLockjaw MMDCCXCIVMagic is not always what it seems to be
1201GripxuzHalf ManShiv-Knight82DEX 27930Act LXIX+49 Cambric Banded Plasma GauntletsAnimate Nightstand MDCCCLXXVIIFat Stacks666Cthulhu
1202TriegshitBattle-FinchBattle-Felon82INT 28095Act LXIX+58 Gilded Holy Kevlar BrassairtsHoly Batpole MMCCLXX 
1203KirshakittyPanda ManMu-Fu Monk82INT 43885Act LXIX+68 Stabbity Steely SpontoonInvisible Hands MMMCCXXXIIINo Pants!Dragon Pants
1204CaittusBattle-FinchVoodoo Princess82DEX 43392Act LXIX+60 Festooned Banded ABS CuissesHydrophobia MMDCCXXXII#FFighters
1205Darth_WaiderPanda ManRobot Monk82WIS 42115Act LXIX+58 Custom Gilded Titanium GreavesClever Fellow MMDCCCLXIVI WANNA BE LIKE KEVIN
1206KrookwhotCrested DwarfMu-Fu Monk82INT 36998Act LXIX+47 Cambric Holy Plasma CuissesMulligan MMCDIILv 82 since 2-VII-2010RuefulRabbit
1207Destroyer40kEnchanted MotorcycleVoodoo Princess82CON 25686Act LXIX+62 Cambric Studded Magnetic FieldMulligan MMDXXXIV

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