Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192553

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1207Destroyer40kEnchanted MotorcycleVoodoo Princess82CON 25686Act LXIX+62 Cambric Studded Magnetic FieldMulligan MMDXXXIV
1208ZavovHalf OrcShiv-Knight82CON 43193Act LXIX+64 Invisible Polished HalberdAqueous Humor MMMXXIX
1209Faerun_136Will o' the WispRuneloremaster82CHA 36048Act LXIX+50 Holy Custom Diamond Mail GauntletsRevolting Cloud MMMCCCIEvery man is the architect of his own fortune.QoD
1210BranudTalking PonyTickle-Mimic82INT 42460Act LXIX+60 Impressive Cambric Platemail VambracesSpectral Miasma MMCMLXXIIIFat Stacks666Cthulhu
1211GavinatorEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk82CON 46689Act LXIX+58 Gilded Custom Titanium CuissesAnimate Nightstand MDCCLXXXVII
1212JonathanBeardballsEel ManFighter/Organist82WIS 44385Act LXIX+60 Impressive Cambric Platemail VambracesSpectral Miasma MMMLXFat Stacks666Cthulhu
1213RuxzutGreater GnomeHunter Strangler82CHA 31986Act LXIX+68 Vicious Polished CulverinSlime Finger MMMMCCCXVIFat Stacks666Cthulhu
1214JonathansTitsDouble WookieeBattle-Felon82WIS 44558Act LXIX+65 Holy Festooned Ringmail HelmLockjaw MMDCCXVIFat Stacks666Cthulhu
1215TootyBattle-FinchSlow Poisoner82WIS 35231Act LXIX+52 Festooned Banded Diamond Mail BrassairtsSpectral Miasma MMCMLXXXHow can I help today?Champ Team
1216Frodo BagginsDouble HobbitBirdrider82INT 44109Act LXIX+46 Banded Holy Plasma GambesonMagnetic Orb MMMCCCXXVIIISamwise is gay

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