Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192551

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1218Dur Brzuszny 2Crested DwarfFighter/Organist82DEX 45698Act LXIX+59 Invisible Pronged BandyclefInnoculate MMMDLXXVILech! Lech! KOLEJORZ!!!
1219PradeepEel ManPuma Burgular82WIS 42542Act LXIX+61 Banded Festooned Platemail GambesonAqueous Humor MMMLXXIts time.... time for SEX WITH DOGS!!!SWD
1220Vovytch38Land SquidRuneloremaster82WIS 46878Act LXIX+64 Impressive Gilded Baroque ShieldClever Fellow MMDCCCXLVII
1221PreptriepPanda ManUr-Paladin82INT 42759Act LXIX+44 Fine Holy Plasma HauberkGyp MMMDCXLIShoop
1222LotharianLesser DwarfUr-Paladin82CON 43466Act LXIX+58 Custom Banded Titanium VambracesMulligan MMCCCXCIStill better then a Half Halfling
1223EnnuiWill o' the WispTickle-Mimic82CHA 45266Act LXIX+54 Gilded Studded Diamond Mail HelmHydrophobia MMDXIV
1224CroockgrikLand SquidVoodoo Princess82WIS 43854Act LXIX+59 Gilded Studded Mithril Mail BrassairtsSadness MMMDCCXCIFat Stacks666Cthulhu
1225MysterialWill o' the WispMage Illusioner82CHA 25754Act LXIX+44 Holy Fine Plasma GambesonHoly Batpole MMCCCXVI[LN]
1226NostromoHalf ManBastard Lunatic82WIS 46497Act LXIX+45 Custom Holy Plasma BrassairtsClever Fellow MMDCCLXIXClosing in on the top 15
1227OnzebLand SquidBirdrider82WIS 27913Act LXIX+63 Festooned Gilded Chainmail GreavesNonplus MCMLXVWarming up borscht with a blow torch.sufloi

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