Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192551

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1227OnzebLand SquidBirdrider82WIS 27913Act LXIX+63 Festooned Gilded Chainmail GreavesNonplus MCMLXVWarming up borscht with a blow torch.sufloi
1228EgziekLow ElfHunter Strangler82INT 46824Act LXIX+54 Impressive Holy Titanium CuissesNestor's Bright Idea MMCXXIVFat Stacks666Cthulhu
1229MixyidTalking PonyBattle-Felon82CHA 41093Act LXIX+54 Festooned Impressive Mithril Mail HelmCone of Paste MMCDLVFat Stacks666Cthulhu
1230TheRatSkraelingBastard Lunatic82CON 43722Act LXIX+59 Custom Gilded Kevlar HauberkInnoculate MMMDLXI%MOTD%
1231WARBIRD199Enchanted MotorcycleTongueblade82WIS 45105Act LXIX+53 Custom Studded Diamond Mail BrassairtsGyp MMMDCCIV
1232unreaLand SquidMu-Fu Monk82CHA 44076Act LXIX+53 Banded Gilded Diamond Mail GambesonBraingate MCMXXI PQ, therefor i am!Majz
1233WolfspelzDouble WookieeMage Illusioner82INT 44162Act LXIX+52 Gilded Festooned Diamond Mail BrassairtsMulligan MMCCCLXVNo motto is my motto
1234ReneLow ElfMage Illusioner82INT 47356Act LXIX+71 Dancing WhinyardNestor's Bright Idea MMCCCXXXI
1235MivvouzTrans-KoboldFighter/Organist82INT 44308Act LXIX+64 Invisible Steely LanceRevolting Cloud MMMCCXLVFat Stacks666Cthulhu
1236NagnievBattle-FinchPuma Burgular82CHA 42170Act LXIX+55 Holy Fine Titanium SolleretsInnoculate MMMDILv 82 since 1-VII-2010RuefulRabbit

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