Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192551

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1257RetellingTrans-KoboldUr-Paladin82CON 46242Act LXVIII+52 Custom Banded Diamond Mail HauberkCone of Paste MMCDXLVIIIThe client has started crashing on me
1258FelnekCrested DwarfRobot Monk82INT 22847Act LXVIII+47 Banded Festooned Plasma GreavesMulligan MMCDVIRelaxYggdrasil
1259Yin YangPanda ManSlow Poisoner82STR 47343Act LXVIII+62 Cambric Studded Magnetic FieldAqueous Humor MMMLXXXBamboo!GBP
1260Vandemar the CicatriceSkraelingBastard Lunatic82STR 41570Act LXVIII+49 Gilded Cambric Plasma GreavesSadness MMMMCXXInon serviam matris futuor
1261YevnoupTrans-KoboldRobot Monk82STR 42185Act LXVIII+43 Holy Impressive Plasma SolleretsTumor (Benign) MMLI
1262SquaarlooEnchanted MotorcycleVoodoo Princess82STR 45563Act LXVIII+64 Cambric Gilded Splint Mail GambesonEye of the Troglodyte MDCXCIXSugar Rush....Where's the Squirrel?!???!!!
1263StewieGyrognomeMu-Fu Monk82STR 47209Act LXVIII+61 Festooned Kevlar GreavesCurse Name MDLXXXVI
1264Chloe BottombucketCrested DwarfVoodoo Princess82STR 46520Act LXVIII+59 Banded Studded Mithril Mail GambesonBig Sister MMCDLII
1265EuquatiosGyrognomeBattle-Felon82STR 46915Act LXVIII+56 Fine Banded Mithril Mail GambesonTumor (Benign) MMCLXI
1266GrogbarDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic82STR 44681Act LXVIII+47 Custom Banded Plasma GambesonTumor (Benign) MMLLFG: The killing fields

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