Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192550

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1267Mans HammerPanda ManRobot Monk82STR 44190Act LXVIII+66 Studded Custom AegisInvisible Hands MMMXLVIIIIn my world "closure" involves STITCHES!!RC+B
1268MogmanDemicanadianRobot Monk82STR 44920Act LXVIII+61 Banded Custom Platemail GauntletsRevolting Cloud MMMCXLIX
1269Smedly SnickertoeHalf HalflingShiv-Knight82STR 43166Act LXVIII+45 Holy Festooned Plasma SolleretsGood Move MMMDCCXXXI
1270JavraLow ElfSlow Poisoner82STR 42049Act LXVIII+71 Pronged Heavy Morning StarHoly Batpole MMCCLXIIIJavra nu este neaparat un caine.
1271-QQDK-Half OrcFighter/Organist82STR 44039Act LXVIII+49 Gilded Studded Plasma CuissesAqueous Humor MMCMLXXX
1272GnoffHalf ManRuneloremaster82STR 43387Act LXVIII+62 Invisible Steely PoleaxSadness MMMDCCCX
1273TravcroupDouble WookieeHunter Strangler82STR 39629Act LXVIII+47 Banded Festooned Plasma CuissesNestor's Bright Idea MMCCLXIGrrroarrrrrrrr
1274Ryoga the ProgresserTrans-KoboldFighter/Organist82STR 42297Act LXVIII+57 Holy Studded Mithril Mail CuissesInvisible Hands MMCMLXXProgress is Power.TPM
1275DrimcripDemicanadianBastard Lunatic82STR 41726Act LXVIII+49 Studded Gilded Plasma CuissesCone of Paste MMCCCXCIX@ss
1276DaveBr2Enchanted MotorcycleFighter/Organist82STR 40375Act LXVIII+48 Studded Custom Plasma SolleretsHydrophobia MMCDXCVIIPffft!

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