Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192548

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1308TaurondirLow ElfHunter Strangler82DEX 44011Act LXVIII+49 Banded Cambric Plasma HauberkHastiness MMMDCCCLXVI
1309CitronGreater GnomeTongueblade82INT 43911Act LXVIII+48 Cambric Custom Plasma GauntletsNestor's Bright Idea MMCCCXXXIELDON
1310GrubgremDouble WookieeRuneloremaster82INT 40867Act LXVIII+61 Festooned Banded Platemail CuissesLockjaw MMDCXCISenex sicut tibialia mi motto olet.Balihoo Devs
1311utargSkraelingRuneloremaster82CHA 36367Act LXVIII+58 Banded Custom Titanium HelmCone of Paste MMCCCLXXXIX
1312Shrimp ChipLand SquidHunter Strangler82CON 37572Act LXVIII+58 Fine Festooned ABS GambesonRevolting Cloud MMMCLXIICalamari kills!TPM
1313Slimy ExtremityEel ManInner Mason82WIS 35043Act LXVIII+50 Festooned Holy Diamond Mail CuissesGood Move MMMDCCXC@ss
1314RudieMcSkaPanda ManHunter Strangler82CHA 42170Act LXVIII+52 Holy Cambric Diamond Mail HelmBig Sister MMCDLXIII
1315ShavpraxPanda ManTickle-Mimic82CON 41510Act LXVIII+47 Holy Studded Plasma GauntletsLockjaw MMDCCI
1316Atma ChronosGyrognomeTongueblade82DEX 43512Act LXVIII+50 Custom Fine Diamond Mail HauberkBig Sister MMCDXLIIAll For Progress! 10% for the FCoP!FCoP
1317IzootWill o' the WispVoodoo Princess82CHA 43474Act LXVIII+50 Custom Fine Diamond Mail BrassairtsCone of Paste MMCDXXIIICheers, love! The cavalry's here!

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