Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192546

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1328AsparaguspeeDung ElfTickle-Mimic82DEX 44932Act LXVIII+54 Fine Impressive Titanium GreavesInnoculate MMMCDLVQuidquid latine dictum, altum videtur.+CGM+
1329YuvvootBattle-FinchShiv-Knight82WIS 45197Act LXVIII+54 Cambric Banded Diamond Mail GreavesNestor's Bright Idea MMCCXCIDeclare your own motto, this one's mine!
1330KooshballGyrognomeTickle-Mimic82DEX 45155Act LXVIII+61 Cambric Mithril Mail SolleretsHydrophobia MMDCLI've got power overwhelming. Game over, man!NYSE: WMT
1331LoWeLyPanda ManUr-Paladin82WIS 42682Act LXVIII+52 Fine Cambric Diamond Mail CuissesGood Move MMMDCLIIIg12-Squad Guildg12-Squad
1332HisuiTrans-KoboldMage Illusioner82CHA 43747Act LXVIII+65 Impressive Fine Leathers VambracesCone of Paste MMLXXXIXI love you^_'IMDAE
1333realptrTalking PonyBirdrider82WIS 39535Act LXVIII+60 Gilded Fine Platemail GambesonGood Move MMMDCCXVIsince 06.19.09habrahabr
1334Sata2Half ManHunter Strangler82INT 39384Act LXVIII+56 Holy Fine Kevlar GauntletsLockjaw MMDCXLVI
1335XebrusHalf ManUr-Paladin82WIS 39204Act LXVIII+56 Festooned Custom Mithril Mail GreavesHoly Batpole MMCXII
1336RuncZDung ElfMage Illusioner82INT 32165Act LXVIII+46 Festooned Custom Plasma BrassairtsClever Fellow MMDCCXXVILets kill all humans!!!Um, yeah
1337KrettrugDouble WookieeBattle-Felon82CHA 43021Act LXVIII+55 Holy Impressive Kevlar HauberkClever Fellow MMDCCCLXXXIVDouble riichi... open.

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