Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192541

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1408X31105Half ManMage Illusioner82CON 43969Act LXVII+44 Holy Custom Plasma SolleretsHydrophobia MMDXXIXSore wa himitsu desuRUS
1409ZokEnchanted MotorcycleUr-Paladin82CON 35703Act LXVII+54 Studded Cambric Diamond Mail GambesonLockjaw MMDCVIdoin' it liveCDP
1410cock puncherDemicanadianMage Illusioner82CHA 40800Act LXVII+46 Custom Banded Plasma GauntletsHastiness MMMCMIIIfatalitydon't fight.
1411ShazfrinPanda ManRobot Monk82CON 24426Act LXVII+52 Banded Gilded Diamond Mail SolleretsHoly Batpole MMCV
1412GuntherFuckPanda ManBastard Lunatic82WIS 40808Act LXVII+58 Custom Studded Titanium CuissesSpectral Miasma MMDCCCIIIGunther like bewbs.
1413TheKeeperofTimeWill o' the WispRuneloremaster82DEX 33852Act LXVII+44 Holy Festooned Plasma CuissesRabbit Punch MMMDCCCLXV
1414Onul GodenustuthLesser DwarfHunter Strangler82INT 33803Act LXVII+60 Studded Festooned ABS GreavesMulligan MMDXXIIIDWF
1415NikogdaPanda ManRobot Monk81WIS 22615Act LXVII+50 Custom Festooned Diamond Mail GambesonMulligan MMCCLX
1416ShakizLand SquidBirdrider81CON 17571Act LXVII+61 Cambric Banded ABS GauntletsNestor's Bright Idea MMCXLVIh2
1417TEH NoopnaebGreater GnomeMage Illusioner81CHA 40214Act LXVII+47 Impressive Holy Diamond Mail GauntletsSadness MMMDCLXXXVIi is teh leeda!HBL

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