Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192538

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1447GhatanothoaLand SquidSlow Poisoner81DEX 33035Act LXVI+60 Cambric Banded Kevlar HauberkLockjaw MMDLXIVPh'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagnMiskatonic
1448Aha00aHalf ManMage Illusioner81WIS 17225Act LXVI+57 Banded Holy Kevlar GauntletsClever Fellow MMDCLXIVSince 2008-11-04Aha00a
1449KugelblitzHalf HalflingBastard Lunatic81DEX 20216Act LXVI+56 Fine Banded Titanium CuissesSadness MMMDLXXVIfor progress and prosperity
1450XatshotGyrognomePuma Burgular81WIS 30312Act LXVI+47 Studded Festooned Plasma CuissesRevolting Cloud MMCMXXIIh2
1451DrugetDemicanadianHunter Strangler81CHA 37625Act LXVI+42 Fine Impressive Plasma GreavesInnoculate MMMCCLXXXVIBeware the doom of Terminal Fury!TFX
1452Sir George BurnwellDouble HobbitMage Illusioner81DEX 38772Act LXVI+60 Dancing Venomed PoleaxBraingate MDCCLXXXVIIIML Dead
1453ShagwhavSkraelingBirdrider81INT 19116Act LXVI+63 Gilded Platemail HelmRevolting Cloud MMCMLXXVIIIHIIC
1454firedragon1234Low ElfRuneloremaster81CON 37026Act LXVI+46 Banded Custom Plasma SolleretsMulligan MMCLXIXIt's Real World!
1455MukuvSkraelingBattle-Felon81CHA 32747Act LXVI+55 Banded Holy Mithril Mail HauberkClever Fellow MMDCXVHBL
1456DroolerHalf ManSlow Poisoner81CON 31650Act LXVI+62 Custom Cambric Splint Mail BrassairtsSeasick MMMDXXVI

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