Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
14508 | ‚Û‚ | Double Wookiee | Robot Monk | 61 | CHA 1090 | Act XVII | +26 Festooned Gilded Plasma Greaves | Tumor (Benign) CXIII | I has a flavor | L402 |
14509 | @nekton | Panda Man | Mage Illusioner | 61 | INT 1065 | Act XVII | +27 Gilded Banded Plasma Sollerets | Aqueous Humor CLXXXIII | ||
14510 | Mipkriek | Panda Man | Tongueblade | 61 | CON 1902 | Act XVII | +35 Festooned Impressive Kevlar Brassairts | Cone of Paste CLXVIII | Press F13 to continue. | |
14511 | Pink the Merciless | Talking Pony | Hunter Strangler | 61 | CHA 1176 | Act XVII | +34 Gilded Diamond Mail Cuisses | Hydrophobia CXLVII | Whatchu know about four-foot clay horse? | TOGOWF |
14512 | DJZK | Low Elf | Mage Illusioner | 61 | WIS 2200 | Act XVII | +36 Impressive Cambric Titanium Sollerets | Rabbit Punch CCXXIV | I was here. | |
14513 | chomap | Will o' the Wisp | Robot Monk | 61 | INT 1499 | Act XVII | +25 Banded Holy Plasma Vambraces | Clever Fellow CLXI | WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY | DCINSIDE |
14514 | Battle-Bronson | Battle-Finch | Battle-Felon | 61 | CON 1802 | Act XVII | +42 Dancing Pronged Poleax | Mulligan CXLVII | Battle-Finch, Battle-Felon, Battle-READY! | |
14515 | Xaebjiet | Land Squid | Mage Illusioner | 61 | INT 1004 | Act XVII | +46 Venomed Heavy Culverin | Cone of Paste CXXVIII | ||
14516 | Lyriel | Land Squid | Voodoo Princess | 61 | DEX 1614 | Act XVII | +43 Holy Impressive Tower Shield | Clever Fellow CLXXXIII | ||
14517 | celophi | Half Halfling | Tickle-Mimic | 61 | CHA 1235 | Act XVII | +32 Fine Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Big Sister CXXVIII | I just lost the game [03.02.2020] |
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