Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
14527 | Gerbo | Half Halfling | Tickle-Mimic | 61 | DEX 1409 | Act XVII | +37 Banded Custom Titanium Cuisses | Nonplus CVIII | ||
14528 | Oovwhuck | Lesser Dwarf | Hunter Strangler | 61 | INT 2167 | Act XVII | +46 Gilded Festooned Ringmail Sollerets | Mulligan CXLVII | Ours is not to wonder why. Fight until we die. | HapFunBal |
14529 | Zaven | Panda Man | Hunter Strangler | 61 | CON 1604 | Act XVII | +26 Custom Gilded Plasma Vambraces | Holy Batpole CXXXV | ||
14530 | Unwhav | Greater Gnome | Battle-Felon | 61 | DEX 1202 | Act XVII | +25 Fine Gilded Plasma Brassairts | Slime Finger CCXLVIII | ||
14531 | Bratwurst Von Metwurst | Talking Pony | Tongueblade | 61 | CON 2361 | Act XVII | +27 Studded Custom Plasma Sollerets | Mulligan CXLIX | Klip Klop Hevonen on PoP! | |
14532 | Tom the Muzgrak | Will o' the Wisp | Puma Burgular | 61 | CON 2414 | Act XVII | +28 Fine Holy Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Tumor (Benign) CXXII | Mmmm, foood!!! | |
14533 | BigMaraBill | Land Squid | Tickle-Mimic | 61 | CON 2436 | Act XVII | +30 Studded Impressive Diamond Mail Helm | Lockjaw CLXXII | There can never be enough soothing tentacles. | Cthulhu! |
14534 | Maeckack | Land Squid | Robot Monk | 61 | CON 1213 | Act XVII | +24 Holy Festooned Plasma Helm | Innoculate CCXXXII | ||
14535 | Cormant | Talking Pony | Robot Monk | 61 | CHA 2149 | Act XVII | +39 Custom Titanium Vambraces | Hydrophobia CLXI | Ars | |
14536 | Ballz | Double Hobbit | Mu-Fu Monk | 61 | DEX 1879 | Act XVII | +43 Stabbity Invisible Pole-adze | Braingate CXXXV | gamrchat |
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