Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
14728 | Ewr | Will o' the Wisp | Mage Illusioner | 61 | DEX 1075 | Act XVII | +45 Dancing Serrated Culverin | Spectral Miasma CLXXV | ||
14729 | Radjop | Skraeling | Tickle-Mimic | 61 | CHA 1297 | Act XVII | +27 Custom Cambric Plasma Greaves | Sadness CCXXXII | ||
14730 | Frogbrut | Land Squid | Puma Burgular | 61 | DEX 2070 | Act XVII | +22 Fine Impressive Plasma Helm | Seasick CCII | DEATH BEFORE WALKING! | WINNER |
14731 | Shikyid | Half Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 61 | WIS 2029 | Act XVII | +34 Festooned Holy Mithril Mail Sollerets | Spectral Miasma CXL | Party created - 4/24/10 | BATB2TPQ |
14732 | Vimproog | Panda Man | Mage Illusioner | 61 | CHA 2494 | Act XVII | +40 Gilded Titanium Helm | Mulligan CXVIII | ||
14733 | Yoockdriz | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 61 | CHA 1238 | Act XVII | +37 Custom Gilded Titanium Gauntlets | Mulligan CLX | Yes, its yellow and bent | Kerplunk |
14734 | U Skank, PU Secretary General | Demicanadian | Tickle-Mimic | 61 | DEX 2505 | Act XVII | +30 Gilded Holy Diamond Mail Hauberk | Cone of Paste CXXXIII | BCZIT | |
14735 | Roockoob | Greater Gnome | Slow Poisoner | 61 | CON 1156 | Act XVII | +36 Impressive Cambric Titanium Helm | Nestor's Bright Idea CXXI | ||
14736 | Darys | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 61 | WIS 1596 | Act XVII | +36 Banded Custom Mithril Mail Vambraces | Cone of Annoyance CLXXXIX | Rock Choy | |
14737 | xChurch | Gyrognome | Hunter Strangler | 61 | CON 2228 | Act XVII | +49 Heavy Pronged Bastard Sword | Nestor's Bright Idea CXXXVI | IHNLs |
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