Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192535

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1478Annoyimous JimDemicanadianFighter/Organist81WIS 42092Act LXVI+59 Gilded Cambric Titanium CuissesSpectral Miasma MMDCCXCIXI am here to annoy you.TV-Koal
1479Assburger4SkraelingMu-Fu Monk81CON 36761Act LXVI+56 Fine Cambric Mithril Mail SolleretsCone of Annoyance MMMCLXXVIR-Rats
1480RezzokDung ElfSlow Poisoner81DEX 35004Act LXVI+45 Fine Banded Plasma CuissesLockjaw MMCDLX
1481KrigbraevDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic81CHA 42459Act LXVI+64 Studded Banded Chainmail GambesonTumor (Benign) MCMXXVmfkrs
1482Partyatmine38Enchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic81CON 42995Act LXVI+50 Impressive Cambric Diamond Mail VambracesSpectral Miasma MMDCCLXXV
1483error126Enchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic81WIS 29128Act LXVI+44 Custom Holy Plasma GauntletsInnoculate MMMCCXLII[-IoT-]
1484DarthazadHalf HalflingRuneloremaster81INT 42473Act LXVI+61 Gilded Custom Splint Mail GreavesInvisible Hands MMDCCCXXXVIIIYes.
1485OvnoxWill o' the WispTickle-Mimic81CON 43159Act LXVI+55 Holy Custom Titanium HelmGyp MMMCDV
1486EnroladoDouble WookieeBirdrider81STR 36169Act LXV+57 Banded Custom Titanium GauntletsInvisible Hands MMCMLXXIICATS: All your base are belong to us.Kitten-X
1487ElainaWill o' the WispMage Illusioner81WIS 23264Act LXV+53 Impressive Custom Mithril Mail CuissesCone of Paste MDCCCLXVIIIn your Dreams

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