Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
14918 | Inwoods | Will o' the Wisp | Puma Burgular | 61 | STR 1189 | Act XVI | +48 Pronged Heavy Bastard Sword | Rabbit Punch CCXXIV | ||
14919 | DreygonX | Double Wookiee | Shiv-Knight | 61 | DEX 1659 | Act XVI | +26 Studded Festooned Plasma Vambraces | Rabbit Punch CCXIV | ||
14920 | Obdrez | Double Wookiee | Fighter/Organist | 61 | CON 1633 | Act XVI | +51 Heavy Serrated Kreen | Lockjaw CXXXIX | ||
14921 | Roflmaster | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 61 | CHA 1300 | Act XVI | +26 Festooned Studded Plasma Hauberk | Cone of Annoyance CLXX | ||
14922 | FlynnTaggart | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 61 | CON 1368 | Act XVI | +23 Banded Impressive Plasma Vambraces | Cone of Paste CXXXVI | One to the chest, one to the head. | UAC |
14923 | SashaBunny | Will o' the Wisp | Voodoo Princess | 61 | WIS 968 | Act XVI | +30 Custom Gilded Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Hydrophobia CLXIV | One to the chest, one to the head. | UAC |
14924 | Azaella | Will o' the Wisp | Mage Illusioner | 61 | CHA 1123 | Act XVI | +27 Holy Fine Diamond Mail Gambeson | Slime Finger CCXL | ||
14925 | Gun Bunny | Will o' the Wisp | Runeloremaster | 61 | DEX 2130 | Act XVI | +22 Fine Holy Plasma Greaves | Revolting Cloud CLXXVII | One in the chest, one in the head. | UAC |
14926 | Flynn.Taggart | Panda Man | Fighter/Organist | 61 | STR 1112 | Act XVI | +23 Festooned Fine Plasma Gambeson | Nestor's Bright Idea CXXXIII | One to the chest, one to the head. | UAC |
14927 | BelzeBob | Double Hobbit | Voodoo Princess | 61 | DEX 1724 | Act XVI | +30 Studded Fine Diamond Mail Greaves | Mulligan CXXVIII |
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