Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
14928 | Gravari | Land Squid | Bastard Lunatic | 61 | INT 1781 | Act XVI | +24 Studded Impressive Plasma Gambeson | Nonplus CII | ||
14929 | Brickfraeck | Land Squid | Hunter Strangler | 61 | STR 1840 | Act XVI | +28 Impressive Gilded Diamond Mail Gambeson | Invisible Hands CLXVII | DAD ENT | |
14930 | Nooggriep | Skraeling | Runeloremaster | 61 | INT 2046 | Act XVI | +46 Cambric Fine Tower Shield | Magnetic Orb CLXXVII | ||
14931 | Shigwhat | Double Wookiee | Robot Monk | 61 | CHA 1158 | Act XVI | +33 Holy Festooned Mithril Mail Brassairts | Cone of Paste CL | ||
14932 | Jipip | Will o' the Wisp | Voodoo Princess | 61 | WIS 1494 | Act XVI | +32 Cambric Banded Diamond Mail Hauberk | Hydrophobia CXLI | I can hold a sword with no hands. | FX |
14933 | TheProcess | Talking Pony | Slow Poisoner | 61 | DEX 1780 | Act XVI | +35 Banded Impressive Kevlar Vambraces | Invisible Hands CLXV | All I know is we'll be following me | |
14934 | Ðîñôîð | Dung Elf | Shiv-Knight | 61 | DEX 1568 | Act XVI | +36 Cambric Impressive Magnetic Field | Hydrophobia CXXXIX | RUS | |
14935 | Smog | Double Wookiee | Battle-Felon | 61 | CON 1670 | Act XVI | +27 Festooned Impressive Diamond Mail Sollerets | Seasick CLXXXVIII | I LIKE PIE!!! | |
14936 | Testsubject909 | Half Halfling | Mage Illusioner | 61 | INT 1029 | Act XVI | +40 Holy Cambric Splint Mail Sollerets | Braingate CXIII | ||
14937 | Talendre | Talking Pony | Voodoo Princess | 61 | CON 1634 | Act XVI | +36 Fine Studded Titanium Brassairts | Mulligan CXXIX | FROG% |
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