Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
14967 | Cridshan | Gyrognome | Robot Monk | 61 | WIS 1952 | Act XVI | +52 Studded Gilded Carapace | Cone of Annoyance CCI | ||
14968 | The Lonely Cripple | Land Squid | Lowling | 61 | DEX 1009 | Act XVI | +32 Festooned Impressive Mithril Mail Greaves | Nestor's Bright Idea CXXXVII | ||
14969 | Atrixxxx | Eel Man | Runeloremaster | 61 | CHA 1404 | Act XVI | +35 Custom Banded Mithril Mail Helm | Nestor's Bright Idea CVI | ||
14970 | Shagzox | Half Orc | Puma Burgular | 61 | INT 1291 | Act XVI | +45 Steely Polished Poleax | Holy Batpole CVIII | So happy to gather | |
14971 | Yabpraet | Gyrognome | Robot Monk | 61 | STR 1657 | Act XVI | +36 Banded Fine Magnetic Field | Magnetic Orb CLXXX | ||
14972 | Angry Hen 2 | Half Man | Bastard Lunatic | 61 | STR 1219 | Act XVI | +32 Studded Gilded Diamond Mail Gambeson | Aqueous Humor CLVII | while (true) killEverybody(); | QoD |
14973 | Mnemonic Experiment | Talking Pony | Robot Monk | 61 | DEX 1322 | Act XVI | +21 Fine Impressive Plasma Gambeson | Hydrophobia CXLV | ||
14974 | Annie | Land Squid | Bastard Lunatic | 61 | CHA 1952 | Act XVI | +47 Custom Gilded Pavise | Clever Fellow CXLIV | ||
14975 | RagsToNapkins | Demicanadian | Ur-Paladin | 61 | CHA 1270 | Act XVI | +36 Holy Mithril Mail Gambeson | Cone of Annoyance CLXVIII | CalCl | |
14976 | Pridwhed | Enchanted Motorcycle | Voodoo Princess | 61 | INT 1460 | Act XVI | +45 Gilded Custom Ringmail Greaves | Cone of Annoyance CLVII |
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