Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
15038 | Mokass Pipsquall | Panda Man | Robot Monk | 61 | CON 1710 | Act XVI | +25 Holy Cambric Plasma Hauberk | Aqueous Humor CLXIV | ||
15039 | Tragaep | Will o' the Wisp | Fighter/Organist | 61 | CON 1975 | Act XVI | +38 Gilded Impressive Splint Mail Vambraces | Eye of the Troglodyte XCVI | Huzzah!!! | SfE |
15040 | BumbleBear | Panda Man | Shiv-Knight | 61 | INT 1749 | Act XVI | +31 Holy Impressive Mithril Mail Hauberk | Clever Fellow CLXIX | Hooray! | USDA |
15041 | Whemom | Demicanadian | Birdrider | 61 | INT 1087 | Act XVI | +27 Studded Gilded Plasma Helm | Lockjaw CXL | ||
15042 | Grommit | Dung Elf | Mage Illusioner | 61 | STR 1437 | Act XVI | +40 Impressive Holy Baroque Shield | Lockjaw CLXVI | Yes me! | USDA |
15043 | JungleJake | Half Orc | Fighter/Organist | 61 | DEX 2085 | Act XVI | +24 Custom Festooned Plasma Gambeson | Cone of Annoyance CCVI | USDA | |
15044 | Oban | Greater Gnome | Slow Poisoner | 61 | CON 1471 | Act XVI | +30 Festooned Gilded Diamond Mail Sollerets | Invisible Hands CLV | SingleMalt | |
15045 | Virgil | Enchanted Motorcycle | Fighter/Organist | 61 | DEX 1288 | Act XVI | +29 Holy Gilded Diamond Mail Gambeson | Holy Batpole CXVI | SingleMalt | |
15046 | SlippyJoeBob | Battle-Finch | Mage Illusioner | 61 | DEX 1564 | Act XVI | +36 Holy Festooned ABS Hauberk | Clever Fellow CLVI | SingleMalt | |
15047 | Vogvoop | Panda Man | Fighter/Organist | 61 | STR 1364 | Act XVI | +23 Holy Custom Plasma Greaves | Aqueous Humor CLXXIII |
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