Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
15047 | Preckxeg | Double Hobbit | Bastard Lunatic | 61 | INT 888 | Act XVI | +42 Polished Invisible Halberd | Clever Fellow CLXI | In lust we trust | Miskatonic |
15048 | Remnor | Double Wookiee | Ur-Paladin | 61 | STR 1698 | Act XVI | +34 Custom Impressive Kevlar Gambeson | Clever Fellow CLI | TTi | |
15049 | Arkaiser | Dung Elf | Puma Burgular | 61 | INT 1668 | Act XVI | +25 Fine Studded Plasma Gauntlets | Lockjaw CXXI | Purging The World 1 Spider at a time | TTi |
15050 | Evax | Will o' the Wisp | Fighter/Organist | 61 | STR 1203 | Act XVI | +25 Cambric Fine Plasma Gauntlets | Hydrophobia CLIX | Uh, are you supposed to be here? | |
15051 | Forath | Panda Man | Bastard Lunatic | 61 | STR 1678 | Act XVI | +33 Custom Fine Mithril Mail Greaves | Nestor's Bright Idea CXIII | Background Warrior V2. | GG |
15052 | kraant | Demicanadian | Fighter/Organist | 61 | WIS 1293 | Act XVI | +42 Holy Gilded Scale Mail Greaves | Sadness CCVIII | ||
15053 | Jeabus | Battle-Finch | Birdrider | 61 | CHA 1933 | Act XVI | +35 Custom Holy Kevlar Gauntlets | Aqueous Humor CLXIII | Save me Jeabus! | |
15054 | Smoochy | Will o' the Wisp | Mu-Fu Monk | 61 | STR 2108 | Act XVI | +49 Vicious Heavy Blibo | Good Move CCXIII | Whippee! | ACROSS |
15055 | Truprug | Half Halfling | Tongueblade | 61 | WIS 2247 | Act XVI | +27 Fine Holy Diamond Mail Helm | Spectral Miasma CXLIII | ||
15056 | Kraenuz | Battle-Finch | Shiv-Knight | 61 | DEX 994 | Act XVI | +23 Gilded Impressive Plasma Hauberk | Gyp CLXXXI | If i had a gold for every Dragon i killed |
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