Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192546

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1628-Pangpootata-Panda ManPuma Burgular81INT 33286Act LXIII+60 Banded Titanium GauntletsHydrophobia MMCCXCIII BOOM
1629EnoraLow ElfVoodoo Princess81CHA 25257Act LXIII+51 Holy Studded Diamond Mail SolleretsSpectral Miasma MMCDLXXXVIBGaE
1630nihl.xanderHalf ManBastard Lunatic81STR 37773Act LXXII+58 Cambric Fine Kevlar GambesonBraingate MDCLXXIXBGaE
1631farprocDouble HobbitMage Illusioner81WIS 30020Act LXIII+57 Gilded Fine Magnetic FieldBig Sister MMCVIWill Cyber for GoldMVK
1632RagnaPanda ManRobot Monk81CHA 34924Act LXIII+44 Holy Custom Plasma SolleretsHoly Batpole MDCCCLXIXWHAT YOU SAY?!4chan
1633Springy191Dung ElfRuneloremaster81WIS 37092Act LXIII+58 Custom Impressive Splint Mail BrassairtsCone of Annoyance MMCMXIIIso i haer u liek mudkips?IBM
1634EritskaEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk81DEX 34470Act LXIII+63 Cambric Studded Platemail HauberkNonplus MDCI
1635PycckuHalf HalflingMage Illusioner81WIS 33187Act LXIII+51 Studded Holy Diamond Mail BrassairtsInvisible Hands MMDCCCLXKill 'em all
1636Justine BeiberDemicanadianHunter Strangler81DEX 17080Act LXIII+71 Cambric Custom PropugnerMagnetic Orb MMDLXXVHi GEBI!GEBI
1637FreganCrested DwarfShiv-Knight81CON 33811Act LXIII+59 Holy Kevlar HelmInvisible Hands MMDCXXXIXBR? gib moni plos

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