Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192549

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1678KroopuxGyrognomeBastard Lunatic81INT 35437Act LXII+50 Gilded Festooned Diamond Mail CuissesClever Fellow MMCDXLI827
1679EtTalking PonyRobot Monk80STR 37542Act LXII+60 Cambric Titanium GauntletsTumor (Benign) MDCCLXIV
1680u no, I could go 4 some baconTrans-KoboldBattle-Felon80STR 37703Act LXII+59 Holy Festooned Chainmail CuissesHoly Batpole MDCCCLXXXVIIright about nowgamrchat
1681MounyuckSkraelingJungle Clown80INT 33432Act LXII+41 Holy Impressive Plasma SolleretsInnoculate MMDCCXLIVI'm just getting started....!realDuck
1682AlekenzDemicanadianShiv-Knight80STR 36372Act LXII+63 Impressive Cambric Baroque ShieldBraingate MDLXVIII
1683Amanda HugenkissDouble WookieeShiv-Knight80STR 32291Act LXII+56 Fine Studded Titanium SolleretsAqueous Humor MMDLX
1684Evil AshHalf ManShiv-Knight80STR 29106Act LXII+47 Festooned Plasma HelmBig Sister MMCCVIYou'll never retrieve the Necronomicon!gamrchat
1685ShaedruxDemicanadianBastard Lunatic80STR 21918Act LXII+47 Holy Fine Diamond Mail GambesonAqueous Humor MMDXIIFeel the fear and do it anyway.DROPtables
1686HOLDWill o' the WispTickle-Mimic80STR 17506Act LXII+46 Cambric Festooned Plasma HelmLockjaw MMCCCXXXIXI came here to kick ass and post memes, and I'm alHEHESHIT
1687CrookyizLesser DwarfBastard Lunatic80DEX 18983Act LXII+45 Cambric Holy Plasma GreavesNestor's Bright Idea MCMIIFor great justice!PM DE

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