Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192511

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
29414RudzomWill o' the WispBastard Lunatic52WIS 366Act IX+22 Custom Studded Diamond Mail HauberkAqueous Humor XLVI
29415PangitzPanda ManMu-Fu Monk52CON 559Act IX+23 Impressive Holy Titanium SolleretsRevolting Cloud XLIINo-ops!snucse
29416ReokinaeDemicanadianBastard Lunatic52WIS 318Act IX+35 Vicious Dancing SpontoonBraingate XXX
29417LitxokBattle-FinchRuneloremaster52STR 608Act IX+20 Holy Gilded Diamond Mail CuissesGyp LXVI
29418OscyonSkraelingShiv-Knight52STR 766Act IX+29 Fine Cambric ABS VambracesDropsy XXXIyarexpzzz
29419XimxokBattle-FinchRuneloremaster52STR 483Act IX+15 Festooned Custom Plasma CuissesBraingate XXXIV
29420Angry McSmashfaceLand SquidRobot Monk52WIS 432Act IX+30 Studded Fine Platemail GauntletsLockjaw XLVIIII HATE EVERYONELUE
29421PrimalDemicanadianRuneloremaster52STR 543Act IX+30 Festooned Cambric ABS BrassairtsInnoculate LX
29422PrugbregDung ElfTongueblade52DEX 336Act IX+28 Banded Cambric Mithril Mail GreavesMulligan LII
29423HrtohbeogarwulfsaurusbextellimLand SquidFighter/Organist52STR 354Act IX+17 Studded Festooned Plasma GreavesGood Move LXII

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