Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192505

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
29494Hoon the Ruler of CKDemicanadianTickle-Mimic52INT 682Act IX+34 Gilded Custom Scale Mail GreavesHoly Batpole XLIIIWaa?
29495BarbieEnchanted MotorcyclePuma Burgular52CON 497Act IX+21 Studded Holy Diamond Mail GambesonNestor's Bright Idea XLVIL402
29496AedliegLow ElfHunter Strangler52CHA 397Act IX+23 Custom Diamond Mail HauberkBig Sister L
29497MidnightLLLow ElfMage Illusioner52DEX 683Act IX+31 Gilded Custom Splint Mail CuissesAnimate Nightstand XXXIVL402
29498ShaneTheLoonSkraelingBastard Lunatic52DEX 348Act IX+28 Festooned Mithril Mail GambesonLockjaw XLVIIIDon't mind if I do! BLARGLESNARF!!!!
29499RounshamWill o' the WispRobot Monk52WIS 332Act IX+17 Studded Custom Plasma GauntletsSeasick LXVIBDS
29500manaEnchanted MotorcycleShiv-Knight52CHA 456Act IX+29 Banded Cambric Titanium HelmSlime Finger LXXIX
29501Mary the IronHeartDung ElfRuneloremaster52INT 401Act IX+32 Festooned Gilded Chainmail HelmTumor (Benign) XLII
29502PsychzLand SquidMu-Fu Monk52INT 297Act IX+17 Cambric Festooned Plasma SolleretsSeasick LIVDOUG
29503Mansion ManiacDung ElfMage Illusioner52INT 361Act IX+21 Cambric Fine Diamond Mail HelmClever Fellow LVIDon't be a tuna-head!Starmen

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