Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
31009 | Drasn the Dead | Double Wookiee | Bastard Lunatic | 51 | STR 523 | Act IX | +32 Heavy Invisible Poleax | Clever Fellow XLII | ||
31010 | Samos | Low Elf | Birdrider | 51 | STR 455 | Act IX | +16 Impressive Plasma Cuisses | Big Sister XLII | ||
31011 | Moonjay77 | Enchanted Motorcycle | Fighter/Organist | 51 | STR 492 | Act IX | +21 Impressive Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Lockjaw XLIV | PTT | |
31012 | Early Cuyler | Land Squid | Bastard Lunatic | 51 | STR 454 | Act IX | +26 Vorpal Vicious Bandyclef | Spectral Miasma LVII | ||
31013 | Monk | Demicanadian | Robot Monk | 51 | STR 479 | Act IX | +24 Gilded Impressive Mithril Mail Vambraces | Magnetic Orb XLIV | One at a time | Adrian Monk |
31014 | Shatien | Trans-Kobold | Mage Illusioner | 51 | STR 512 | Act IX | +18 Gilded Cambric Plasma Vambraces | Clever Fellow XXXV | I am 12 and what is this? | 4chan |
31015 | Xakfroock | Trans-Kobold | Battle-Felon | 51 | STR 479 | Act IX | +14 Impressive Gilded Plasma Gauntlets | Cone of Paste XLII | ||
31016 | Xiemvik | Crested Dwarf | Runeloremaster | 51 | INT 512 | Act IX | +27 Fine Banded Kevlar Gauntlets | Hastiness XLIX | Deluxe Edition | -AD- |
31017 | GordenFreeman | Half Halfling | Robot Monk | 51 | STR 493 | Act IX | +18 Gilded Cambric Plasma Greaves | Spectral Miasma LII | Èû½ê°í ÁÁÀº ¾Æħ! | QoD |
31018 | Meiden97 | Trans-Kobold | Jungle Clown | 51 | STR 440 | Act IX | +26 Banded Impressive Kevlar Greaves | Curse Name XXXVI | I am on to you SindreNotSoGreat | TADOF |
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