Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
31039 | fox guy | Talking Pony | Voodoo Princess | 51 | STR 439 | Act IX | +25 Studded Impressive Mithril Mail Gambeson | Nonplus XXXVII | ||
31040 | AtlasTM | Double Hobbit | Robot Monk | 51 | STR 418 | Act IX | +15 Gilded Holy Plasma Helm | Sadness LVII | YOU, YOU, DOUBLE HOBBIT | Pattonphilia |
31041 | Sjorin | Low Elf | Robot Monk | 51 | STR 444 | Act IX | +37 Serrated Stabbity Bastard Sword | Mulligan XLI | ||
31042 | Tripmam | Will o' the Wisp | Runeloremaster | 51 | STR 398 | Act IX | +30 Studded Custom ABS Brassairts | Mulligan XLIX | ||
31043 | Sboldrus | Half Man | Shiv-Knight | 51 | STR 406 | Act IX | +35 Holy Festooned Tower Shield | Gyp LX | Dead or alive, you are coming with me. | |
31044 | Peter Griffin | Panda Man | Bastard Lunatic | 51 | STR 394 | Act IX | +28 Cambric Impressive ABS Helm | Lockjaw XL | BB&B | |
31045 | O'Bombinator | Eel Man | Mage Illusioner | 51 | STR 391 | Act IX | +22 Festooned Cambric Diamond Mail Gambeson | Big Sister XXXIX | Cradle to the Grave for ALL!!! | CFA |
31046 | Cannonwic | Half Orc | Battle-Felon | 51 | STR 423 | Act IX | +27 Festooned Studded Mithril Mail Helm | Nestor's Bright Idea XLV | ||
31047 | Bananaphone | Talking Pony | Mu-Fu Monk | 51 | STR 429 | Act IX | +28 Cambric Festooned Titanium Gauntlets | Clever Fellow LI | Ring ring ring ring Bananaphone! | /b/ |
31048 | DinkNugget | Will o' the Wisp | Runeloremaster | 51 | STR 410 | Act IX | +18 Custom Impressive Diamond Mail Hauberk | Cone of Paste XLV |
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