Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
31049 | Achille | Half Orc | Battle-Felon | 51 | STR 369 | Act IX | +30 Festooned Holy Chainmail Gambeson | Hydrophobia LVI | ||
31050 | Akviz | Demicanadian | Tickle-Mimic | 51 | CHA 406 | Act IX | +28 Studded Fine Kevlar Cuisses | Tumor (Benign) XXXII | For Great Posterity! | |
31051 | Ixtli | Battle-Finch | Shiv-Knight | 51 | STR 410 | Act IX | +28 Holy Festooned Platemail Gambeson | Revolting Cloud LI | ||
31052 | Halfiari | Battle-Finch | Robot Monk | 51 | STR 448 | Act IX | +23 Cambric Gilded Diamond Mail Gambeson | Spectral Miasma L | I got a nautical themed, Pashmina Afghan | Fuckin Cheap |
31053 | Viegyam | Greater Gnome | Runeloremaster | 51 | STR 433 | Act IX | +28 Holy Titanium Hauberk | Cone of Annoyance LIV | ||
31054 | John 'The Apple' Adams | Crested Dwarf | Mu-Fu Monk | 51 | STR 398 | Act IX | +16 Fine Cambric Plasma Sollerets | Hydrophobia XLVII | Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. | MEU |
31055 | FineMagician626 | Lesser Dwarf | Mage Illusioner | 51 | STR 374 | Act IX | +29 Studded Festooned Kevlar Cuisses | Hastiness LX | I want to be a photographer. | |
31056 | Haruhi Suzumiya | Demicanadian | Voodoo Princess | 51 | STR 427 | Act IX | +31 Impressive Custom Aegis | Big Sister XLI | ||
31057 | Whuxyom | Double Wookiee | Shiv-Knight | 51 | STR 418 | Act IX | +19 Cambric Studded Plasma Gambeson | Braingate XXXIV | ||
31058 | Trikprien | Dung Elf | Bastard Lunatic | 51 | STR 423 | Act IX | +17 Fine Impressive Diamond Mail Gambeson | Eye of the Troglodyte XL | safir rocks :-) |
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