Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
31178 | Syniad | Battle-Finch | Tongueblade | 51 | CON 451 | Act IX | +26 Festooned Gilded Mithril Mail Vambraces | Cone of Paste XLVI | ||
31179 | BromBeta | Demicanadian | Birdrider | 51 | WIS 329 | Act IX | +28 Custom Mithril Mail Sollerets | Innoculate LVI | ||
31180 | Kraecknied | Half Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 51 | DEX 383 | Act IX | +30 Festooned Custom Splint Mail Helm | Magnetic Orb LI | Drunk Canada | |
31181 | Rouvprog | Gyrognome | Puma Burgular | 51 | CHA 343 | Act IX | +25 Custom Festooned Mithril Mail Sollerets | Big Sister XLII | ||
31182 | Bragkrik | Trans-Kobold | Ur-Paladin | 51 | CON 313 | Act IX | +34 Serrated Dancing Halberd | Hydrophobia XLIV | ||
31183 | Droznoum | Trans-Kobold | Puma Burgular | 51 | DEX 331 | Act IX | +23 Gilded Cambric Diamond Mail Gambeson | Invisible Hands XLIX | Bears! | PLYMR85 |
31184 | Sparkz | Talking Pony | Robot Monk | 51 | STR 308 | Act IX | +27 Holy Gilded Kevlar Gambeson | Mulligan XXXVIII | These ponies drive me to drink! | |
31185 | Frukwhiep | Dung Elf | Mu-Fu Monk | 51 | WIS 316 | Act IX | +16 Cambric Holy Plasma Gambeson | Revolting Cloud XLIX | ||
31186 | Trooxzud | Double Hobbit | Battle-Felon | 51 | STR 293 | Act IX | +34 Cambric Holy Aegis | Hydrophobia LI | ||
31187 | ApolloPennae | Will o' the Wisp | Runeloremaster | 51 | DEX 301 | Act IX | +26 Cambric Impressive Titanium Cuisses | Cone of Paste XLII |
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