Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
31448 | Shitprim | Demicanadian | Voodoo Princess | 51 | INT 486 | Act IX | +21 Gilded Festooned Diamond Mail Greaves | History Lesson XXXVIII | ||
31449 | Rouckcrub | Enchanted Motorcycle | Hunter Strangler | 51 | DEX 294 | Act IX | +26 Gilded Festooned Mithril Mail Brassairts | Cone of Paste XXXIV | ||
31450 | Whevlag | Double Hobbit | Lowling | 51 | DEX 304 | Act IX | +27 Banded Impressive ABS Vambraces | Holy Batpole XL | Drunk Canada | |
31451 | Troomaeb | Land Squid | Tickle-Mimic | 51 | INT 310 | Act IX | +25 Impressive Studded Mithril Mail Brassairts | Cone of Annoyance L | ||
31452 | Cragtred | Panda Man | Tongueblade | 51 | DEX 304 | Act IX | +26 Festooned Gilded Mithril Mail Greaves | Clever Fellow LI | ||
31453 | Crambrav | Crested Dwarf | Hunter Strangler | 51 | WIS 374 | Act IX | +30 Cambric Festooned ABS Gambeson | Seasick LXII | Did we play to become only pawns in the game?! | DVDF |
31454 | Lebshaen | Demicanadian | Runeloremaster | 51 | DEX 298 | Act IX | +22 Festooned Studded Diamond Mail Vambraces | Lockjaw L | ||
31455 | Grigshin | Half Halfling | Ur-Paladin | 51 | CON 452 | Act IX | +20 Custom Festooned Diamond Mail Hauberk | Lockjaw XXXVIII | Drunk Canada | |
31456 | Yoxloox | Half Man | Fighter/Organist | 51 | CHA 575 | Act IX | +26 Festooned Custom Titanium Greaves | Big Sister XLIII | ||
31457 | FigoO | Greater Gnome | Bastard Lunatic | 51 | WIS 399 | Act IX | +35 Studded Festooned Aegis | Invisible Hands LIII | ReM |
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