Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
6951 | Amazing Horse | Talking Pony | Lowling | 69 | CHA 2784 | Act XXVIII | +40 Cambric Festooned Diamond Mail Gambeson | Revolting Cloud DI | ||
6952 | Andargar | Demicanadian | Ur-Paladin | 69 | CON 4579 | Act XXVIII | +46 Custom Fine Platemail Greaves | Spectral Miasma CDLXIII | DRUCKWELLE | |
6953 | liquidBass | Half Man | Shiv-Knight | 69 | DEX 5947 | Act XXVIII | +40 Festooned Cambric Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Magnetic Orb CDLXXXV | ||
6954 | Vavkrun | Skraeling | Tickle-Mimic | 69 | INT 6468 | Act XXVIII | +47 Custom Banded ABS Greaves | Spectral Miasma CDXLIX | Drunk Canada | |
6955 | Enemy | Half Orc | Fighter/Organist | 69 | WIS 3310 | Act XXVIII | +37 Studded Cambric Plasma Brassairts | Sadness DCLV | Muahahahahaha! | C Co |
6956 | DoriZ | Greater Gnome | Shiv-Knight | 69 | CON 5398 | Act XXVIII | +53 Dancing Halberd | Clever Fellow CDLVIII | Die you bastardo | TTi |
6957 | Arngrim | Enchanted Motorcycle | Robot Monk | 69 | WIS 5996 | Act XXVIII | +40 Cambric Custom Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Cone of Paste CCCLXXXI | ||
6958 | Romshout | Double Wookiee | Bastard Lunatic | 69 | CHA 2638 | Act XXVIII | +35 Gilded Banded Plasma Helm | Clever Fellow CDL | ||
6959 | Raxprut | Enchanted Motorcycle | Mage Illusioner | 69 | WIS 5830 | Act XXVIII | +44 Impressive Studded Titanium Vambraces | History Lesson CDVI | RPGC | |
6960 | DingDong | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 69 | CHA 4438 | Act XXVIII | +38 Banded Holy Diamond Mail Gambeson | Tumor (Benign) CCCLVIII | Burn the flaming dog! |
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