Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
6991 | Volui | Half Man | Ur-Paladin | 69 | INT 5190 | Act XXVIII | +45 Holy Cambric Titanium Helm | Sadness DCXLVII | ||
6992 | Gugugu | Half Orc | Mu-Fu Monk | 69 | WIS 5430 | Act XXVIII | +46 Vorpal Heavy Bandyclef | Spectral Miasma DXXXI | FightClub | |
6993 | Mute Girthblade | Battle-Finch | Hunter Strangler | 69 | WIS 6906 | Act XXVIII | +45 Gilded Holy Kevlar Sollerets | Seasick DXCII | HRR | |
6994 | yofingoz | Panda Man | Shiv-Knight | 69 | DEX 6134 | Act XXVIII | +46 Festooned Mithril Mail Sollerets | Curse Name CCCVII | ||
6995 | Bub | Land Squid | Robot Monk | 69 | DEX 3805 | Act XXVIII | +48 Festooned Cambric ABS Sollerets | Rabbit Punch DCXCVIII | Go away, I'm busy! | TCA |
6996 | Elfage | Low Elf | Lowling | 69 | INT 4928 | Act XXVIII | +44 Banded Impressive Magnetic Field | Mulligan CCCLXXIV | started 4th Jan 2009 | |
6997 | benney | Half Halfling | Bastard Lunatic | 69 | CHA 2808 | Act XXVIII | +45 Custom Cambric Mithril Mail Vambraces | Mulligan CCCXCIII | OWP | |
6998 | NineTwoFive | Low Elf | Lowling | 69 | WIS 4300 | Act XXVIII | +45 Studded Impressive Magnetic Field | Cone of Annoyance DXLV | a neuf is an oeuf | SfE |
6999 | MonkeyHood | Panda Man | Robot Monk | 69 | DEX 5873 | Act XXVIII | +46 Studded Impressive ABS Hauberk | Mulligan CCCXCIII | My drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens | |
7000 | Thedudeabides | Enchanted Motorcycle | Runeloremaster | 69 | WIS 4953 | Act XXVIII | +32 Fine Custom Plasma Vambraces | Invisible Hands DXXXVIII | Yeah... well that's just like, your opinion, man |
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