Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
7221 | Pve | Land Squid | Birdrider | 69 | CON 5360 | Act XXVII | +54 Pronged Invisible Crankbow | Sadness DXC | WJ? | |
7222 | Kwee | Will o' the Wisp | Runeloremaster | 69 | STR 3688 | Act XXVII | +33 Cambric Fine Plasma Vambraces | Clever Fellow CDXXXV | HeadH | |
7223 | Myggan | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 69 | WIS 4411 | Act XXVII | +42 Custom Impressive Kevlar Vambraces | Cone of Annoyance DXXVI | Started the 4th April 2009 | FIRMAN <3 |
7224 | Vazez | Low Elf | Puma Burgular | 69 | DEX 4798 | Act XXVII | +56 Venomed Spontoon | Sadness DLXIX | Why So Serious? | ZYWIEC |
7225 | Travim | Enchanted Motorcycle | Robot Monk | 69 | WIS 4768 | Act XXVII | +42 Fine Holy Kevlar Helm | Lockjaw CDXXXIX | ||
7226 | Jadestatue | Land Squid | Bastard Lunatic | 69 | CHA 3193 | Act XXVII | +32 Holy Banded Plasma Gauntlets | Cone of Paste CCCLXXIV | Like a boss! | |
7227 | Mezvok | Enchanted Motorcycle | Robot Monk | 69 | STR 5047 | Act XXVII | +48 Studded Custom Platemail Brassairts | Mulligan CCCLXI | ||
7228 | Shaedwhet | Greater Gnome | Mage Illusioner | 69 | INT 4148 | Act XXVII | +44 Gilded Festooned Titanium Helm | Holy Batpole CCCLIV | ||
7229 | DarkenedRaven | Will o' the Wisp | Fighter/Organist | 69 | WIS 4463 | Act XXVII | +40 Gilded Cambric Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Hydrophobia CDXXV | willo' oooo your soo hard | D.S. |
7230 | Darksoul Zenox | Demicanadian | Hunter Strangler | 69 | STR 4522 | Act XXVII | +40 Custom Impressive Mithril Mail Gauntlets | Cone of Annoyance DLVI | HEAVY METAL! |
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