Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
7531 | Shada | Half Man | Voodoo Princess | 68 | CON 5673 | Act XXVII | +53 Dancing Stabbity Longsword | Holy Batpole CCCLXIV | I love that voodoo that you do so well. | |
7532 | izua2 | Double Wookiee | Slow Poisoner | 68 | WIS 3597 | Act XXVII | +39 Festooned Cambric Diamond Mail Hauberk | Lockjaw CDXXX | sudo kill [WHERE user != izua2] | Cthulhu! |
7533 | Krazshoum | Double Wookiee | Shiv-Knight | 68 | CON 3695 | Act XXVII | +36 Holy Custom Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Nestor's Bright Idea CCCLIII | ||
7534 | Zenwhep | Panda Man | Puma Burgular | 68 | CHA 5791 | Act XXVII | +46 Studded Gilded Titanium Gambeson | Invisible Hands CDLXXVIII | Spoooooon! | 3FF-833 |
7535 | Shaexnaet | Eel Man | Shiv-Knight | 68 | CON 3850 | Act XXVII | +44 Banded Fine Magnetic Field | Hastiness DLXXV | ||
7536 | Zemohc | Half Man | Hunter Strangler | 68 | INT 6421 | Act XXVII | +53 Banded Studded Aegis | Tumor (Benign) CCCV | ||
7537 | Telnaior | Will o' the Wisp | Voodoo Princess | 68 | WIS 4889 | Act XXVII | +29 Impressive Holy Plasma Gauntlets | Innoculate DXXXVIII | Live and Learn | Feynman |
7538 | Xagzack | Panda Man | Puma Burgular | 68 | CHA 5012 | Act XXVII | +51 Invisible Halberd | Rabbit Punch DXXXIV | Progressing motto... | |
7539 | Krovfraem | Eel Man | Bastard Lunatic | 68 | WIS 5150 | Act XXVII | +38 Banded Custom Diamond Mail Sollerets | Revolting Cloud CDXLIX | ||
7540 | Paracelsus | Demicanadian | Inner Mason | 68 | CHA 4481 | Act XXVII | +44 Fine Gilded Kevlar Gambeson | Braingate CCXCVIII | ²³ |
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