Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
31139 | Otlug | Greater Gnome | Bastard Lunatic | 51 | STR 328 | Act IX | +33 Steely Invisible Culverin | Rabbit Punch LXIV | ||
31140 | Timor | Will o' the Wisp | Ur-Paladin | 51 | STR 311 | Act IX | +32 Dancing Stabbity Culverin | Hydrophobia XLIII | ||
31141 | Vulcan the Eccentric | Double Wookiee | Bastard Lunatic | 51 | DEX 356 | Act IX | +27 Festooned Impressive Platemail Cuisses | Animate Nightstand XXXI | Long live the Emperor Norton! 5 | TQHEOUO |
31142 | Kazander | Double Wookiee | Hunter Strangler | 51 | STR 338 | Act IX | +23 Impressive Fine Titanium Gambeson | Clever Fellow XLVII | ||
31143 | Killingdoll | Will o' the Wisp | Mage Illusioner | 51 | STR 327 | Act IX | +31 Banded Custom Splint Mail Helm | Invisible Hands LII | (m'-')m< motto! motto! | UMA |
31144 | Pupi | Half Halfling | Voodoo Princess | 51 | STR 298 | Act IX | +27 Studded Holy Titanium Hauberk | Tumor (Benign) XXIX | ||
31145 | Convertabull | Talking Pony | Tongueblade | 51 | DEX 349 | Act IX | +37 Polished Vicious Lance | Big Sister XLII | Wauw | |
31146 | Limbroud | Enchanted Motorcycle | Tongueblade | 51 | STR 325 | Act IX | +28 Impressive Banded Platemail Greaves | Lockjaw XLI | noob =) | |
31147 | spinaru | Half Man | Hunter Strangler | 51 | STR 316 | Act IX | +23 Impressive Fine Titanium Helm | Spectral Miasma XXXVII |
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